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Your Dream Article Starts Here: Free AI Article Outline Generator

Create your free AI article outline. Add your keyword below 👇
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Upgrade for Premium Outline
Surfer AI uses the latest and greatest, GPT 4, to create outlines based on content ranking on the SERPs for your keyword. It's 100% customizable and reliable as it's based on articles already front and center on Google! No guessing, just data. If you're happy with this outline, just know: you ain't seen nothing yet! Upgrade now!

Want to go from outline to article in less than 20 minutes?

Write with Surfer AI

🔍 First, pick your keyword

As a first step, enter your main keyword into Surfer AI to start creating an article.

⚙️ Adjust article settings

Select tone of voice for your brand and choose your most relevant organic competitors for the keyword you entered.

👀 Review article outline

Review the article outline Surfer AI just generated and make your final edits to the suggested H2s and H3s.

🚀 Lastly, generate an article

Click "write" and wait while Surfer AI scans, fact checks and analyzes over 400k tokens' worth of information to create your piece!


Frequently Asked Questions
Why did we create a free outline generator?

Surfer wants to help you write clear, concise, and fully-optimized content! For most content marketers, the first step in the writing process is finding relevant information, researching, and creating a blog post outline to organize their ideas. Let's be honest though: high-quality content takes time, and that's why we've created tools to optimize the process for you! Your brainstorming, research, and writing processes just got 100 times easier.

The article outline generator is free for you to use, but you're missing out on a lot more if you don't subscribe to Surfer!

How do I use the content outline generator?

It's easy!

First things first: what's your article about? If you know what you want to write about, open Surfer's Content Editor tool.

You'll see "Content Score" on the right-hand side of the screen. Right next to where it says "Guidelines" you'll see "Brief." Click there to get your blog post outline started! In this section, is where the content magic happens. This AI tool is what we use to generate ideas for your outline. You'll see a list of headers—H1, H2, H3 and H4— and if you click for more details you'll see that there are AI-generated paragraphs full of all the keywords you care about which you can then add to your articles.

The AI develops relevant copy that you can easily add to your text, hopefully making your job as a content writer less tedious!

3 Tips to make the most of the article outline generator:

It can seem like an impossible task to open the content editor and see 35 headers for optimal range, right? What happens when you hit a wall and have no idea what to write about next, let alone which headers to include?

At the very bottom of the "Brief" section, you'll find "Topics and Questions" which can help generate more ideas to keep your writing flowing. Whenever you fill in the Content Editor, you provide the keywords, location, and general idea of what you're writing about, then let the AI write. It'll take it from there!

The best part is that you can write articles about a variety of topics regardless of whether you're an expert! "Brief" makes the idea to writing stage even shorter, but for those moments when you need a push, don't forget to check out the "competitors" section. You'll get an idea as to how your competitors tackle similar topics.

 What is the benefit of a free article outline generator?

Creating an article outline is a way to organize your ideas into a concise and organized way. 

Not only will having a clear structure to your article benefit the reader, it will also benefit the crawlers which read your article. Using an outline generator saves you and your team time and energy. To be able to do this for free is great for your budget as well!

How to create outlines using AI?

A: Surfer makes it easy! 

All you need to do is input your target keyword or topic and click the button! The AI will then find relevant headings that you can include (or exclude). Surfer’s AI generated outline is 100% customizable.  

Is an AI generated outline useful?


Surfer’s AI generated outline provides H1s and H2s so that you can get ideas and start writing faster. If you use the full version, you’ll also get access to unique paragraphs for each heading! This is helpful if you need to create outlines quickly to give to your writing team or freelance writers!